A small, round beeswax candle alight next to three small white flowers

Dying to Know

Written by Tracy Shirvill Over the past week events have been held around Australia and overseas as part of the annual Dying to Know campaign.  Dying to Know was started by the Groundswell Project and aims to support Australians to live and die well by improving death literacy, end-of-life planning, and encouraging conversations around death,…

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A large therapy room wall to ceiling windows on one wall and a white door on the other. A grey armchair facing a brown and white reclining chair are placed in the middle of the room.

Counsellors, Psychologists, and Psychotherapists Oh My!

24 June 2022 Written by Tracy Shirvill It can take a lot of courage for someone to ask for help, especially when it comes to mental health.  Looking through the therapist directory on Psychology Today you will see listings for counsellors, psychologists, and psychotherapists.   If you have ever seen these titles and been confused,…

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