African woman wearing white shirt leans her chin on the palm of her hand. Around her head are drawings of question marks

There’s a lot of confusion around what counsellors do, and what you can expect from coming to a counsellor.  Here I answer the questions I’m asked most often.  If there’s anything you want to know that hasn’t been answered here please book in for a free 15 minute phone call.

What Do Counsellors Do?

This is the question I’m asked the most.  There’s a lot of confusion out there about what we do and where we fit within the mental health area.

Counsellors create a safe space for you to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and the experiences you’re having without judgement.

We support and guide you through the challenges you’re having.  Whether these are relationship issues, stress, anxiety, depression, problems at work or even feelings of isolation.  Whatever you’re experiencing there’s a counsellor that can help you.

We help you to identify coping strategies and solutions so that you can work through your problems.  We can also help you to build up your resilience and confidence so that you can make positive changes and achieve your goals.

What Don't Counsellors Do?

It’s not just important to know what we do, it’s important to know what we don’t do.

  • We don’t judge you.  We know there’s a lot of criticism out there, and there’s still a lot of stigma around asking for help.  What you are experiencing is valid.
  • We don’t tell you what to do.  I’m sure you have experienced enough of that already.  As counsellors, we believe that everyone is capable of living great lives, however that looks to them.  We might challenge your ideas but you are the expert of your life.
  • We don’t fix you.  You’re not broken.  Everyone needs guidance and support at times.  Everyone goes through hard times.  Counselling helps you through the process of self-discovery and growth.
  • We don’t diagnose you.  When we’re listening to you, our focus is on getting to know you.  We’re not looking for symptoms or diagnostic criteria.  When we first come to counselling we may ask about your medical history which includes diagnosis and medication.  However we sit outside of the medical model so this information helps us to understand what you might be experiencing, but it doesn’t define your experience for us.

Is Everything I Say Confidential?

Everything that is said within your counselling session, including any correspondence, is between you and your counsellor.  We don’t sell your contact information to third parties, and we don’t talk about our clients to others.

There are a few exceptions to the rule though.  These are included in your counselling contract and are discussed in your first session.  The exceptions are:

  • By law counsellors are mandatory reporters (may vary from state to state) which means that we are legally obligated to report suspected abuse of children or other vulnerable people.
  • We are also obligated by law to respond to subpoenas.  If we receive a subpoena we must provide the information requested, in compliance with state laws.
  • As counsellors we are always looking to provide our clients with the best possible service.  To do this we may ask our supervisors questions related to your circumstances.  When this happens any identifying information is excluded, so our supervisors never know who you are.  Our supervisors are also counsellors and must comply with the same privacy laws we do.
  • Referrals to other services may require ‘need to know’ information.  This will always be discussed with you in-session, and we will request your consent to do so.

How do I know if I need counselling?

There are many reasons why people choose to come to counselling.  Some of the most common reasons are:

  • feeling overwhelmed, stressed, lost, or struggling to make decisions;
  • experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental illness;
  • facing a major life transition such as divorce, redundancy, becoming a parent or caregiver; and
  • grief and bereavement.

Just as you might book in with your GP for a regular check up, some people choose to see a counsellor as part of their health care routine.

What can I expect in my first session?

I know that many people feel nervous about their first session, it’s completely normal to feel this way and to not be ready to open up completely.  We’ve just met after all! For this reason I try to make sure the first session doesn’t feel clinical, or have you feeling like you’re being interviewed.

In your first session you can expect to be asked a few questions about your background and history.  You will have the chance to ask any questions you have, then we will begin to talk about why you’ve come to counselling and what you would like to achieve.  It’s not necessary for you to have a particular goal in mind.  We will work that out together.

How does online counselling work?

Online counselling is pretty much the same as in-person counselling.  The main difference of course is that we’re meeting on Zoom and not at an office.

To meet online you need a safe, quiet space with a good internet connection.  I do recommend having with you:

  • a good set of headphones;
  • a notepad and pen;
  • a bottle of water; and
  • a packet of tissues (just in case!).

If you’re connecting away from your home I will ask where you’re meeting me from.  Just as if we were meeting in an office, if you need medical attention or there’s another emergency I need to make sure I can direct the right people to you.

You can read more about online counselling here.

How often should I attend?

I recommend attending weekly for at least the first four sessions then deciding how often you would like to meet.  However I do understand that that isn’t always possible so do offer fortnightly appointments to new clients if needed.

How many sessions will I need?

There is no magic number when it comes to how many sessions you need.  Everyone has different needs and expectations.  Some people will come in for a session or two, many do around 8 – 10.  Others may come on a regular, ongoing basis.

Throughout the counselling process we will review your progress and make sure we’re on the path to your goal. Once you have achieved your goal we will talk about ending the sessions.

What approach do you use?

The counselling approach I use is called Solution Focused Therapy (SFT).  SFT involves the counsellor asking questions which allow you to explore what kind of person you want to be, or what kind of life you want to live.  SFT doesn’t require you to relive trauma by retelling your experiences and feeling the pain you’ve experienced, however this is a safe place for you to do so if you want to.

How do I find the right counsellor for me?

It’s really important that you’re comfortable with the counsellor you choose.  It can take time to develop trust but you can generally know if you have a good fit pretty fast.  Most counsellors offer a free introductory phone call so that you can ask questions and get a feel for what they’re like.

I also recommend choosing a counsellor who:

  • is registered with a governing body.  In Australia that is either the ACA or PACFA;
  • has training and experience with the issues you’re facing; and
  • is transparent on their policies and proceedures

If you think you would prefer to try someone else, let your counsellor know as they may be able to refer you to someone else.


Do you accept Mental Health Care Plans or provide a Medicare rebate?

Unfortunately at this stage counsellors are not included under Medicare.  However you only need a care plan if you need to see a psychologist or psychiatrist.  Counsellors don’t diagnose mental illnesses but we can offer support with coping strategies, building resilience, psycho-education, and more.

If you don’t need a diagnosis or specialist care, a counsellor may be a better option for you.  Counsellors have shorter wait lists (if any), and our fees are generally around what you would pay out of pocket for a psychologist, often even less.  If you do need a psychologist we can also support you until you’re able to get an appointment.